Brief notes |
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Textilestamp from Poland
Remodeling of the Abegg Foundation building
Opus School near London closes
Textile tourism in Scotland?
Check your favourite fashion labels !
Fashion Check
Who controls the Internet?
Council of Foreign Relations
TF Regional (A, CH, D) |
Northern German Crafts Triennial
Museum Schwerin
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Aachen Arts and Crafts
Limburg craft market
Kassel craft market
Musbach craft market
Benediktbeuern textile market
"Aufbruch", a German craft exhibition on tour
Handweaving Forum
New regulation on education in weaving in Switzerland
"Black", competition for craftsmen
Handwerksform Hannover
Label Cult, exhibition in Bocholt
Textile Museum
"Clothes in Context", exhibition in the Winterthur Applied Art Museum
Textil Art Berlin 2009
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"The other point of view ", textile art exhibition in Liegerz/CH only for men
Quilt Art - Art Quilt, touring exhibition through Germany
Connecting Threads : Rosemarie Köster exhibits in Zittau/D
"Angel - Self ", exhibition of works by Anke Mühlig in Werder/D
Blue Denim, exhibition of works by Sabine Weber in Salzburg/A
Performing Masks, exhibition in Switzerland
Rietberg Museum
Works by Helga Widmann, exhibition in Freiburg/D
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Textile Kultur Haslach, summer course programme
Twelve exhibitions in Austria during the 15th ETN Conference, 2009
Reports |
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The 5. International Biennale of Textile Art "From Lausanne to Beijing"
"Changing Landscapes: Contemporary Chine Fiber Art" in San José/USA
Quilt Museum
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"Atout Fil" - Wearable art show in France
Atout Fil
Tapestry conference in Paris, report by Thomas Cronenberg
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Metatextile - A Colloquium in Lausanne, report by Giselle Eberhard Cotton
Hand Papermaking magazine
Paper Global, exhibition in Deggendorf/D
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Alternative Textile Jewellery, exhibition in Bratislava/SK
Gina Morandini: The Body in Images
Pojagi - An exhibition in the USA
"Flower Power" - Hat prize in Holland
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ContemporaryTapestry, exhibition in Belgium
Domaine de la Lice
"White Peace", exhibition in Tokyo
Textile Art in Canada, exhibition in Montreal
Preview |
Textile Forum magazine is known for its complete quarterly calendar. For the third quarter of 2009, 189 current exhibitions are listed, 36 specialized meetings respectively further educational opportunities and 14 competitions. The special pages for Germany, Austria and Switzerland have a calendar of more than 61 additional exhibitions, meetings/courses, competitions and fairs/markets.
(Up-to-date event overview see Calendar/ETN Database)
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Inlaid Patchwork in Europe from 1500 to the Present, report by Dietmar Laue
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When Women Rule the World: Judy Chicago in Threads, report by Joe Lewis (exhibition in Toronto (CDN)
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Diane Didier in Tournai/B, tapestry exhibition
"Red-Blue", textile/fashion exhibition in two French museums
Musée d'Argentomagus
Musée de la Chemise
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6th Cheongju International Craft Biennial 2009
10. Quilt Nihon Exhibition, 2009
Lace exhibition in Spain
The Holland Paper Biennial, 2010
"Inside out: Fiberart for the Human Form", juried exhibition in Minnesota/USA
The Textile Center
2009 International Weaver's Symposium in Finland
Craft-Conference in the United States
IAPMA-Kongreß in Korea
The Maiwa Textile Symposium in Vancouver, Canada
West Dean Tapestry Courses
Hand & Lock Embroidery Conference
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Reminder: The ETN Conference in Haslach/A
"Constructed Colour: Amish Quilts", exhibition in the Washington Textile Museum
Quilt Study Center
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Danish Tapestry Art
8th International Hat Contest, exhibition in Chazelles-sur-Lyon/F
Musée du Chapeu
Lace at the Parc de Wesserling, Alsace
9th International Mini-Textiles Triennial, Angers/F
Musée Jean Lurçat
The Dutch Ikat Weavers are exhibiting in Bibracte/F
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Dutch Fashion Design, exhibition in Enkhuizen/NL
The Dutch Textile Biennial exhibition in Rijswijk/NL
Museum Rijswijk
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Latin America - A crash course, by Dietmar Laue
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Textiles in the Andean, by Martha Caijas
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The 5th Biennial of Textile Art in Buenos Aires, by Beatrijs Sterk
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Accompanying Biennial Programme, by Beatrijs Sterk
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Destination Argentina, by Beatrijs Sterk
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Argentinian Textiles - Tradition and Survival, by Ximena Conzález Eliçabe
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Textiles in Argentina, by Gracia Cutuli
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Las Culturas Verdes - Green Cultures - An exhibition and accompagnying publication in Buenos Aires, by Dietmar Laue
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Manos del Uruguay, by Magdalena PC de Supervielle
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Ñanduti - Latin American Lace, by Delia H. Etcheverry
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"If you want to arrive in Latin America, go to Antigua", by Beatrijs Sterk
Ingigo Artes Textiles y Populares, by J. Claire Odland
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The Textilmuseum of Oaxaca in Mexiko, by Yosi Anaya
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A Brief Glance at the Textile and Clothing Industry of Latin America, by Dietmar Laue
Special Reports |
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Fashion Language in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, by Ilsemargret Luttmann
Books |
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Art Textiles of the World, Ed. Matthew Koumis; Telos, Brighton 2009
Textile Designers at the Cutting Edge, by Bradley Quinn; Laurence King Publishing, London 2009
Sheila Hicks: Weaving as Metaphor, Ed. Nina Stritzler-Levine; Yale University Press, USA 2007
Sztuka Woskiem Pisana (Mit Wachs gezeichnete Kunst: Batik in Indonesia and Poland), by Maria Wronska-Friend; Gondwana, Warschau 2008
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Embroidered Textiles - A World Guide to Traditional Patterns, by Sheila Paine; Thames & Hudson, London 2008
Indian Textiles, by John Gillow & Nicholas Barnard; Thames & Hudson, London 2008
Kimono as Art - The Landscape of Itchiku Kubota, Ed. Dale Carolyn Gluckman; Thames & Hudson, London 2008
Bogolan - Shaping Culture Through Cloth in Contemporary Mali, by Victoria L. Rovine; Indiana University Press, Bloomington/USA 2008
The Fine Art of Kimono Embroidery, by Shizuka Kusano; Kodansha International, Tokio 2006
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Useful ads of suppliers for material, products, tools, equipment, further educational course offers, announcements of competitions etc. - Ads with URL addresses:
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Creative Arts Safaris
50 |
Digital Weaving Norway AS
51 |
Embroidery Magazine
Textile Fibre Forum Magazine
fiberarts magazine
52 |
Surface Design Association
Textile Art Berlin 2009
53 |
Fondazione Arte della Seta Lisio
West Dean College
Handwerkskammer München
54 |
Arm AG, Webstühle
Burkhard-Dreier AG
Quilt Star
Webstuhlmanufaktur Rudi Künzl
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